

Hello and Welcome to Archbishop Benson's PTA Page


Hello and Welcome to Archbishop Benson's PTA Page

Who are we?
FABB (The Friends of Archbishop Benson) are a group of parents, staff, governors and friends who support the school by working together to make the children’s time at ABB the best it can be!

What do we do?
We work closely with the school to arrange fundraising events throughout the year that pay for equipment, resources, activities, and experiences, over and above those funded through the school budget. Our fundraising events have included: Christmas Fairs, Summer Fairs, The Jubilee Event, Cake Sales, Coffee Mornings, Bags2School Collections & School Discos.

As well as fundraising, we also offer support at other school events providing teas & coffees, running raffles or supporting in other ways.

Contact FABB
We would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions or ideas for how we can best serve the school community at ABB. If you would like to find out more about what we do or get involved in FABB, then please either come along to one of our meetings or get in touch with us via email: pta.fabb@gmail.com

FABB Core Team 

Chairperson: Charlotte Wilde

Secretary: Naomi Harwood

Treasurer: Claire Powell


Class Representatives (2023-2023)


Reception - Abigail Bassett

Year 1 – Charlotte Wilde

Year 2 – Hanna Lyndon


Year 3 -  Charlotte Wilde
Year 4 -   Fi Clotworthy
Year 5 -  Meg Harris
Year 6 -   Naomi Harwood