
School Breakfast & Wraparound Care

Welcome to Benson Buddies Wraparound Club

The club is for children aged 4-11 years, it operates a before school and after school club from our School Hall.

The Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am to 8.30am and breakfast is included in the fees.  Staff will then see them safely into their classroom.

The Afterschool Club runs from 3.15pm to 6.00pm, the children are collected from their classrooms and brought to the School Hall.  The children have registration and are then given snacks and drinks.  A range of activities are available throughout the session and these are taken from the children’s interests and ideas. Children who attend afterschool clubs can access the club afterwards.

Our main aim is to provide  High Quality care for your child and to ensure they have lots of fun and enjoy their time at Wraparound. 

Staff are always open to new ideas and welcome input from parents.  Please feel free to speak with staff at any time regarding your child as they will be only too happy to help.

The aim of our club is to provide a secure and caring environment for your children.  We are registered for children from the age of 4-11 years.  Whilst at wraparound your child will be able to become involved in the following activities:-

  • Outdoor sports
  • Organised activities
  • Crafts
  • Construction games
  • Board games
  • Junk modeling
  • Cookery and lots more

We involve the children each week in planning our activities and work very hard to ensure that we listen to them and meet all their needs.  We value and respect your children and encourage them to contribute to the club.

Snack Time

At breakfast club the children can choose from a wide selection of healthy choices all overseen by our school chef.  We do try and encourage the children to eat healthily and try new foods.

In the late afternoon we offer again a varied choice through the week and these include dishes such as fresh fruit, crackers and cheese, pasta etc.  If your child has any allergies then please do let us know to ensure that we can offer them an alternative snack.

Why choose our Wraparound Club
  • Highly qualified team of staff
  • Excellent premises on a secure school site
  • Continuity of care for your child on one safe site
  • Fun and innovative activities on offer every day
  • We aim to meet all the needs of you and your child
  • Fun packed half term programs
  • Advice given to claim tax credits towards child care costs
  • Nutritious and varied snacks

Times and Prices

Breakfast Club


(Includes breakfast)


After School Club

(Includes a snack)





Breakfast and after school wraparound can be booked using our current booking system:

Using the SchoolsBuddy App on your phone or the SchoolsBuddy website:



Bookings will need to be made at least 48 hours in advance and the App is now open for you to book.

Immediate payment will be required when making the booking.

If you require an emergency booking on the day you must call the school directly.

Childcare vouchers are accepted for Benson Buddies Wraparound Club only, on agreement with the school.

Contact Information
Email: bensonbuddies@archbishop-benson.cornwall.sch.uk

Telephone: 07745678532